News – Curasan Inc.

An Interview with Dr. Scott Ganz DMD, and Dental Author

Written by curasan | 2/22/16 8:10 PM

Recently curasan Inc. had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Dr. Scott Ganz about his book, ‘Computer-Guided Applications for Dental Implants, Bone Grafting, and Reconstructive Surgery. We talked about many things and, in doing so we were able to gain insight into the mind of one of the more brilliant and established minds in the dental implant and bone grafting world.

Here are some key excerpts and information Dr. Ganz dispensed:

  • On why he wrote the book:
    "Writing is something I simply love to do. I’ve contributed to 14 text books, and published 100 plus articles in the dental literature… The writing was done in collaboration with two of the finest oral surgeons that I know, Drs Marco Rinaldi and Angelo Mottola of Bologna, Italy. We wanted to showcase the digital work flow and the state-of-the-art, not just for dental implants and guided surgery but for guided bone grafting modalities. Specifically, I wanted to help push the envelope of what digital technology, 3D imaging, CAD CAM, 3-D printing can do for our patients.  The use of CT, Cone Beam CT (CBCT) is still, I think, very misunderstood, and underutilized. I’ve been involved with CT technology since 1985. So we’re dealing with 30 years of understanding the potential for this digital work flow but also in the emerging technologies which is the main impetus for writing the book – to expand our knowledge base and our frontier of dentistry as it related to implants and bone grafting."
  • On who it is written for:
    “It is a text book that is geared for the more advanced clinician, yet can be appreciated by all involved with dental implant surgery and prosthetic reconstruction… Many of the bone grafting techniques that are showcased in the book are all based first upon a thorough 3D analysis both for implants, donor sites, receptor sites which lead us to develop new protocols based upon the 3D technology which will stay current for many years. Although this technology has been around for dozens of years, it is still vastly misunderstood.”
  • On its content and the major takeaway:
    “The book starts out with the necessary background, history, and science, and is followed by 41 specific cases to illustrate the concepts that we have described…with over 1,800 images, and even on-line videos. The diagnostic part of each case is essential to the success because, "sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know" and 3D imaging technology allows us to appreciate that each patient is unique and different in their clinical presentation. These differences can only be properly assessed with CBCT imaging and interactive treatment planning software allowing clinicians to come up with more accurate solutions for their patients."
  • On what he wants to accomplish through it:
    “…I hope that this book provides clinicians with a blueprint for the future in the areas of implants, grafting and reconstructive surgery…”

For more literature from Dr. Ganz, visit his website (, to get his book visit this site, information on Live Surgery Courses ( and connect with Dr Ganz on LinkedIn.

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